Coaching Essentials and Principles Certificate Program (ACSTH 60 Hours)
ICF Approved Coach Specific Training Hours Program
Mission / Vision of Education and Learning Program
Our coaching education is based on the philosophy and framework of the ICF’s 8 Core Coaching Competencies. That is coach competencies as the Doing and the Ethics as the Being of coaching. Our approach is based on our belief that the coach is a catalyst, and all leaders & managers are able to be excellent in coaching skills.
Course Description and Requirements
Our curriculum is 100% ICF Core Competency based.
Learning Goals
Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to:
Able to explain distinctions of “coaching” and other disciplines
Able to identify the ICF Core Coaching Competencies
Able to understand and explain ICF Core Coaching Competencies
Able to demonstrate these Core Coaching Competencies through coaching practices
Able to participate in giving and receiving feedback after coaching practices according to these competencies
List of Instructors
Conducted by:
Atchara Juicharern, Ph.D. - PCC
Jiamjit Jivassitkul (ACC)
Jirawan Kanchananat (ACC)
Requirements to enter the program
At least 3 years work experience in public, state-owned or private organizations
Demonstrate passion in helping others grow and unleash people’s potentials
Course Descriptions
Part 1:
This part includes welcome and introduction to the program. This part also includes objectives of the program and establishment of our agreement. This part familiarize participants with the art and science of coaching.
Part 2:
Contain Modules 1- 12: which are in order of the ICF Core Coaching Competencies – with descriptions of behavior statements or performance criteria. There are also articles, knowledge and skills that support each competency, exercises, discussion guidelines and self- reflections.
Part 3:
Contain Module 13: is the review of coaching definition, ICF core coaching competencies. The section emphasizes and strengthens coaching core competencies when coaching employees in the organization.
Part 4:
Contain Module 14: this module provides guidelines to small group practices for the participants after having completed modules 1- 13.
Dates/Location/Tuiton Fee
As the program focused on coaching within organizations, it is not offered as public program yet.
To reserve the dates for In-house program, please contact us.
The program tuition fee and payment policy will be tailored based on number and level of participants.
Administration, Organization & Business Operations
Disability/Discrimination/DEIJ Statement
We believe that the world will be a better place for anyone if organizations take key role to ensure that any strategies developed strive to address DEIJ issues and create a more just society.
For more information about our Disability/Discrimination/DEIJ Statement, please click:
Complaint/Grievance Policy
Please click here for the process of complaint/grievance policy of this program.
Participant Enrollment Agreement
We operate our business and programs with a commitment to the highest level of ethics and quality. Please review the following course description & requirements and enrollment agreement. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact anyone of us. To preview the participant enrollment agreement of this program, please click
Payment/Fee Policy
The program is currently offered to organizations with a minimum of 5 participants per class. The number of participants is recommended to not exceed 18 participants for the class effectiveness.
Please note that the program is not yet open for public registration. This is due to the nature of the program that puts emphasis on corporate context and coaching within organizations.
Training-date reservation is secured on a first-come, first-served basis. The instructors’ schedules will be confirmed once the organization has signed the final quotation and send it back to AcComm via email or hard copy.
For the payment and fee policy of this program, please click
Ethics, Integrity, Transparency
At AcComm & Image International Co., Ltd. (AcComm), we are committed to, support and communicate the definitions of ethics, integrity and transparency:
Integrity: doing the right thing, whether or not anyone knows
Transparency: being open and clear about policies, processes, actions, and ethics.
We commit to acting with integrity and transparency. We hold ourselves and our participants to the highest level of integrity and strive to be as transparent as possible by explicitly stating measures being taken to provide programs in an ethical manner.
Ethics: as an ICF Accredited provider, our organization adheres to and emphasizes the International Coaching Federation Code of Ethics. The ICF Code of ethics describes the ICF core values, ethical principles, and standards of behavior for all ICF professionals.
Meeting these ethical standards of behavior is the first of the ICF core coaching competencies.
You can read more about the ICF Code of Ethics here.
We do not believe in using manipulative or dishonest sales tactics and strive to provide a safe and ethical sales process.